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How it works

It’s as easy as...


Arrive with a purpose


Become a LaunchPad Member


Take off with a profession

Take a look at what the 3-week course looks like:


Your biggest asset (YOU!):


Personal Brand (Tone, pace, professionalism)

Goal Setting and why it means more than DISC

Fear Setting

Goals and KPIs

Time Management/Daily Structure

The different SaaS company models (Start-up, scale-up, IPO, P/E)

Language, confidence and questioning

Active Listening

Managing stress

Career Progression

Being coachable and Employee led performance


Be job ready:

Creating a LinkedIn profile

How to write the perfect resume

Interview tips and tricks

Career mapping


Building the pipeline:


Qualifying (ICP, Personas)

Outbound Prospecting

RBA (Reason, Benefit, Agreement)

The Engagement Model (Outreach cadence and psychology)

Discovery phase

Building rapport

Calling (Structure, clear agenda, RBA)

Follow up and cadence

Tools of the trade


Don't sell to people, become a trusted advisor:

The buyer/prospect

Buyer Psychology and Industry knowledge

Challenge/Pain/Value vs Feature based selling

Powerful Pitch

Pain funnelling/Question techniques

Objection Handling

Meet Matt, he has over 20 years of sales experience and has worked across a variety of industries with the last 10 + years in Software as a Service.

He has trained & scaled multiple Sales teams and played a key role in the international merger and acquisition of three global companies.

His passion for goal setting accompanied by his, Fearless Sales Methodology, stands this course apart from any other.

More info on LaunchPad :

Industry Excellence:

Benefit from our 35+ years of industry experience, offering insights and knowledge refined through decades of placing the best talent in companies such as; Shopify, DocuSign, HubSpot, Qualtrics, Aircall + more.

Technology Go-to-Market (GTM) Specialists:

Immerse yourself in our market leading course, meticulously crafted by Technology GTM specialists. This course unlocks unique opportunities, ensuring you stand out in the competitive tech industry.

Affordable Investment:

Our pricing structure starts at $25 per/week without compromising on the quality of your education. Our aim is to make LaunchPad as inclusive as possible.

Proven Placement Track Record:

We have placed over 600 SDR’s across Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

E-Learning Excellence:

Our modules go beyond just learning, it's an ongoing support system and community establishing us as the Academy of choice.

GOALS Platform:

Harness the power of our unique GOALS platform, a space where Mindset and Self-Improvement converge, propelling you toward professional and personal excellence.

Mentoring Excellence:

Access expert mentoring and receive guidance tailored to your personal career goals from tenured software sales professionals.

Making LaunchPad Available to All with Two Course Options

We believe that LaunchPad should be inclusive and accessible to everyone, which is why we offer two distinct courses to meet your specific needs.
LaunchPad Pro

Job Guarantee, pay only a deposit until you find a job!

Payments start after you secure a job
$80 per week on a 12-month membership OR a discounted $600 discount if paid upfront
Access to LaunchPad’s e-learn modules
x6 in-person or zoom sessions over the 3 weeks with Matt & reputable hiring managers in the tech space
1on1 Mentorship from companies such as Salesforce, DocuSign, HiBob, & 100 + more
1on1 interview prep & CV help
Access to LaunchPad’s community and events
Ongoing monthly Learn with LaunchPad Masterclasses
Access to LaunchPad’s community and events
LaunchPad graduation certificate
Buy now
LaunchPad Accelerate

Up skill and be recognised by 100+ software brands

$19 per week on a 12-month membership or a discount if paid upfront
Access to LaunchPad’s e-learn modules
Full access to our industry-leading course with a digital credential.
Be Showcased in front of over 100 Tech Brands and increase your chances of being hired
Group sessions on interview prep and CV help
Buy now